nafda: Parrainer des projets et transformer les écoles en espace d'apprentissage innovants, en ligne avec les valeurs de citoyenneté engagée, bonne gouvernance et justice sociale

Nafda is a social movement in the education sector, founded in February 2022 in response to the economic and educational crisis affecting Lebanon.

Nafda aims to operate on two levels: on the one hand, the focus is on helping schools design and implement transformation projects in collaboration with school principals, allowing students to progress as 21st-century learners, based on three core values: active citizenship, good governance, and social justice. On the other hand, Nafda promotes a network of school principals and teachers who support each other and build a movement for change in the education sector.

Nafda supports school principals and faculty in defining and implementing transformation projects in their schools, aligned with the four themes below, depending on their local needs:

  • Enhancing pedagogy related to core subjects
  • Introducing STEAM methodology – a multidisciplinary/cross-curricular approach to learning that integrates science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics through project-based learning
  • Developing inclusive and equitable education
  • Community service/action in service of the community

Nafda also establishes a framework to facilitate peer-to-peer learning from these projects: some schools have already started sharing their projects with others with the help of educational coaches and specialized experts when needed.

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nafda: Parrainer des projets et transformer les écoles en espace d'apprentissage innovants, en ligne avec les valeurs de citoyenneté engagée, bonne gouvernance et justice sociale

Nafda is a social movement in the education sector, founded in February 2022 in response to the economic and educational crisis affecting Lebanon.

Nafda aims to operate on two levels: on the one hand, the focus is on helping schools design and implement transformation projects in collaboration with school principals, allowing students to progress as 21st-century learners, based on three core values: active citizenship, good governance, and social justice. On the other hand, Nafda promotes a network of school principals and teachers who support each other and build a movement for change in the education sector.

Nafda supports school principals and faculty in defining and implementing transformation projects in their schools, aligned with the four themes below, depending on their local needs:

  • Enhancing pedagogy related to core subjects
  • Introducing STEAM methodology – a multidisciplinary/cross-curricular approach to learning that integrates science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics through project-based learning
  • Developing inclusive and equitable education
  • Community service/action in service of the community

Nafda also establishes a framework to facilitate peer-to-peer learning from these projects: some schools have already started sharing their projects with others with the help of educational coaches and specialized experts when needed.

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Total du don : 100€

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